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The Emotion Code is a healing modality developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that helps identify and release trapped emotions that may be causing emotional distress, physical discomfort, or limiting beliefs  


1.⁠ ⁠Muscle Testing – A practitioner or individual uses muscle testing to identify trapped emotions.  

2.⁠ ⁠Identifying the Emotion – The subconscious mind is asked questions to pinpoint the trapped emotion (e.g., fear, grief, anxiety).  

3.⁠ ⁠Releasing the Emotion – A magnet or intention-based energy work is used to clear the trapped emotion from the body's energy field.  

4.⁠ ⁠Emotional & Physical Relief – Many people experience emotional lightness, reduced pain, and improved well-being* after a session. 


Emotional Healing – Releases past trauma, grief, or emotional pain.  
Physical Well-being – Can help with unexplained pain, fatigue, and chronic issues.  
Improved Relationships – Clears emotional baggage that affects interactions with others.  
Mental Clarity – Reduces anxiety, stress, and mental blocks.  
Increased Energy – Helps restore balance and vitality. 


Book a session or a free discovery call with me and start feeling better TODAY.

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